In 2006, veteran techies Dipak Basu, his wife Radha and a group of social entrepreneurs set up Anudip Foundation in West Bengal to provide employment to villagers through IT.
He thirsts for transformation !
For 27 years Gourisankar Ghosh has tapped at an idea: providing potable water to Indias villages.
That simple vision came alive three years ago in Hyderabad as Waterlife and has now spread across eight states.
Explains Ghosh: Rural population is increasing by the hour.Complete dependence on government for safe drinking water is not practical. The solution is to use technology and distribute water in small zones. Waterlife’s biggest test came in West Bengal when at least 50,000 villagers were saved from arcenicosis, a waterborne disease that leads to skin cancer.
Gautam Ivatury and Dr Ajay Nair |
WARM-UP EXERCISE: Rahul Panicker and Naganand Murty with the low-cost incubator |