Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Design For Jobs

In 2006, veteran techies Dipak Basu, his wife Radha and a group of social entrepreneurs set up Anudip Foundation in West Bengal to provide employment to villagers through IT. 

The idea was to provide market-aligned skills,set up training centres in IT and English, and empower young people, says Radha. Farmer Atanu Mondal of Ashurali village in the Sunderbans is just one beneficiary. I have worked on transcriptions and on other projects in India and the US, he says. Since 2009 Anudip has set up district level outsourcing centres employing their own graduates to execute global and local projects. The road ahead is tough. It requires changing the work ethic of rural people and the mindset of urban employers, says Dipak. That’s Anudips biggest challenge !

1 comment:

  1. Appreciate the effort you have shown up in article.Hope you spread more information like this
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